シルバーグレー ラムウール ストーノウェイ ジャンパー

通常価格 £245.00



ティールとシルバー グレーの 2 色展開。ここではシルバーが示されています。爽やかなグレーのメランジで、クラシックさとクールさが同程度に感じられます。

生地とアフターケア- スコットランドの家族経営のメーカーが、地元産の Todd & Duncan 糸を使用した極細ラムウールで製造しています。中性洗剤で手洗いし、冷水で洗うか、ドライクリーニングしてください。水と環境を節約するため、洗濯は最小限にとどめることをお勧めします。このジャンパーは、ときどき風通しを良くするだけで十分です。

サイズガイド- このジャンパーは楽なフィット感で、ドレスや重ね着のTシャツの上に着るのに十分なゆとりがありながら、だらしなさすぎません。ローウエストにフィットし、裾は柔らかいリブ編みです。



email us about this product or for help choosing your size

see our body measuring guide

Free UK returns on all full-price pieces.

Customer Reviews

Based on 3 reviews
Jane Fifield
If you haven’t got ridiculously big boobs, this is a delight.

Sadly, the cable and the aforementioned big boobs didn’t work.
If you are seeking a cosy, well made and joyfully red jumper, this is the ticket.
Sadly my body and this jumper were not well met…not the jumpers fault.

M C Mitchell
Red Stornoway

I communicated with the team who were very helpful with regard to the size (providing lengths in cm). The jumper is a lovely colour and I am glad it is knitted with the sleeve adjoining the body, as tops with the sleeve finishing partway down the arm do not suit those of us with a generous chest. The wool is a good weight and the cable is not so thick that it adds bulk. The most disappointing thing is the fact that after receiving the jumper I got an offer(as a subscriber) which I cannot use, since I am not planning on buying anything else. As this is a company that subscribes to slow fashion and I want to support them, I find this something of a letdown. I support your business, but offers should in turn support subscribers. Otherwise I am happy with my purchase, although I have not washed it yet, so cannot comment on this aspect.

I’m so sorry your purchase came just before our subscriber offer. It was such a pleasure helping you choose your jumper! I’ll email you directly so we can chat further. As a slow fashion brand, we’re committed to pricing our pieces fairly to reflect the quality of materials and the care that goes into making them. This also helps us avoid overproduction and waste. That’s why we don’t rely on traditional sales or public discounts. That said, our community of subscribers is incredibly important to us, and when we can, we issue subcriber offers to show our appreciation of your ongoing interest in our work. Eliz x

Beautiful Winter Jumper

This jumper is perfect for the cooler autumn months right through into early spring; it is a beautiful rich red colour and the wool feels very soft on the skin. Superb quality. Another timeless design that will be worn for years to come.
