We Love the NHS Dress

We Love the NHS Dress

Today we're launching our new, limited edition dress in support of our fantastic NHS care. The NHS is something that we take for granted, and through this pandemic we have all watched their heroic contribution. As a small token of gratitude, we created this special dress in our best selling Primrose Hill dress. It's just a tiny drop in the ocean but as a small brand it's something that we wanted to do to say thank you. All of our profits from this style will be donated to the NHS via their NHS Charities Together scheme, supporting all the NHS charities as a whole. 

If you don't already know this 'favourite' dress, this time in a unique "NHS' mid blue, it is cool, comfortable and has been in the collection from the beginning. A modern prairie style, it oozes contemporary romance cut in the simplest of everlasting cotton gingham, perfect for wafting around your garden during lock down or keeping cool indoors.  

We made just 20 of these dresses with care in one of our London-based workshops over the past few weeks, and are selling these as a limited-edition batch so make sure you don't miss out; buy a dress and donate to our wonderful NHS!

A massive thank you to our beautiful model Jane, pictured wearing the dress, herself a paediatric nurse in an NHS hospital who took her valuable time out between shifts to photograph the dress. Just lovely!

Justine x

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