Warming recipes from Rosie Birkett

Warming recipes from Rosie Birkett

I'm not a huge lover of a modern Halloween, with all the single use plastic it encourages, but I enjoy the spirit of fun and sense of community it can inspire and I'm amazed at the increasing creativity carved into the doorstep pumpkins that glow and  beckon local children for trick or treating. I bought mine the other day, and if I can encourage my grown-up children to indulge me we'll be carving it up tonight. As for what I'll do with it come tomorrow, I'll be saving every last piece and cooking up a storm via recipes from the wonderful Rosie Birkett who always manages to create delicate yet hearty dishes that I crave this time of year. 

I've collated two of my favourite Rosie recipes from her books 'The Joyful Home Cook' and 'A lot on her plate'. One is a warming winter squash soup with chipotle, roasted garlic and crusty seeds, and one a mushroom, squash and halloumi stroganoff, but within both you can substitute the squash for pumpkin to make the most of your carved creations. Delicious! 


Thanks Rosie as ever, I certainly can't wait to make this over the weekend... Like you I'll be wearing my classic cord to keep warm, whether it's my Brighton crop trousers with boots as I watch the fireworks on Saturday night at my local Clissold park, or the favourite Mill Town dress lounging around on a lazy Sunday. Bliss!



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