Behind the scenes of our Autumn Shoot

Behind the scenes of our Autumn Shoot

Every good photoshoot starts with a good breakfast and as we tucked into delicious Moroccan eggs a couple of weeks ago, there was something about the warmth, spices, and rich colour that reflected the rail of garments we were about to wear. Autumn has definitely arrived and we are be releasing the first of our seasonal collections.

Velvety cords, rustic tartans, and brushed cotton are our base flavours with a sprinkling of lustrous silk and peppered knits. Locally made and delicious!

I know we are always slightly late compared to bigger brands but we say good things are worth waiting for! We decided to shoot on ourselves again, finding our customers love the reflection of generations and clothes which can be shared between them. It's quite a lot of pressure to have your photograph taken but we hope you like the pictures!

We spent two days in very good company - as a micro brand, loyalty means everything and our shoot resembled more a couple of days away with friends, than a big budget production. In the midst of wild gardens, we found outbuildings with weathered boards and mellow lime-washed walls, the perfect foil for our collection. The weather held up with balmy sunshine and even when it rained, we sheltered with endless cups of tea in the cosy kitchen :-)

Huge Thanks! x

Photography : Craig Fordham @craigashleyfordham Hair and Makeup : Lizzie Court @lizziecourt_makeup Location : @princeletdrift

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